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Google Drive

Here is explained how it’s possible to add Google Drive to X-plore.

The connection can be done under Web storage item. Click Add server and choose Google Drive.

There are two ways how this can be added:

On devices with Google Services

Adding Google Drive on an Android device where Google Services are available is easy – click to add Drive server, choose your Google account configured on the device, and it’s done. Google Drive is connected.

On devices without Google Services

Some devices do not have Google services, or have other problems utilizing Google account (such as Android TV). Here the simple connection won’t work.

Alternative way here is:

  • Go to Menu > More > Tweaks
  • Enable option Use OAuth Google Drive (this option is available only if Google Services are not present, or on Android TV)

Now you should see Google Drive option when adding new cloud server.

To log in, you need to enter your Google email and password. This will be asked in a web browser app (either default web browser, or in a dialog on Android TV, since Android TV do not support web browsers).
When you enter your Google credentials, it should jump back to X-plore and open your Google Drive.